Remarks From Billy Ray: Freedom, Chaos & the Stories Our Party Needs to Tell
There are many huge lies in American Politics. To me, the biggest of them, the one we must work hardest to refute, is the idea that we are a DIVIDED NATION — that we are somehow split down the middle.
That is absurd. Wrong. Beyond dumb. And self-defeating ….
We are a nation that solidly and consistently agrees with Democrats on everything that matters. So why don’t we win 66% of all elections? I think it’s because we tend to make arguments only liberals can hear. We waste time on culture wars in which we tell our fellow Americans how THEY should talk. We tell them they have to say “chest-feeding” instead of “breast-feeding” – or “pregnant person” instead of “pregnant women.”
We insist that people CELEBRATE things they’ve just learned how to tolerate. That’s bad storytelling because it turns off Undecided Independent voters, who decide every close election in America, and always have.
What makes a Conservative conservative, what binds them together politically, is their shared fear of CHAOS.
So we must now become the ANTIDOTE TO CHAOS. We must reframe what Chaos is: Chaos is people showing up at polling places with AR-15s. Chaos is January 6 …. Chaos is treating a woman’s miscarriage like it’s a crime scene. And what’s the most chaotic thing of all? EXTREMISM.
Frame a campaign as “Dems vs. Repubs” and we can lose. Frame it as “Americans vs. Extremists” and everybody knows which bucket they’d prefer to be in. Extremism loses. Period.